February 8, 2025

So much happened yesterday OH MY LORD.

Summary I got up early for school obligations, which I missed because I forgot to clear snow off my car the day before and took twenty minutes to do that. I had school for four hours, then I had to go to goodwill to get work jeans. I got gas on my way home, and then last minute I decided to stop and eat lunch at my nana's house instead of alone at my mom's. I usually spend weekends with my nana, but since I am working I am staying at my moms to make it easier. I miss her a lot, so visiting her was a good idea. I went to work at 4 pm and ended up getting home at midnight. I get into more detail below but thats the basic version.

Alright so I had my second shift at work, which was from 4-11 pm. I ended up getting home at midnight, though, because I was closing. It was the night at the bowling alley where they turn on blacklights and make it like a disco bowling alley with fun light n shit, and I was alone at the counter for most of it. I would turn my back to do something for two seconds, and I kid you not I would turn back around to the counter and BOOM LIKE SEVEN PEOPLE DUMPED THEIR SHOES ON THE COUNTER IN THAT AMOUNT OF TIME. I handled it pretty well, though, that is what my manager said. I think I am officially over my intense fear of work at this point, because if I can handle probably the busiest night of the week half alone while also befriending some drunk lady I think I can handle anything.

Oh Yeah! I did befriend a drunk mom who was bowling for her sons 25th birthday. She was pretty shitty at bowling (her words, not mind) so she would come to talk to me at the counter when I wasn't too busy. She would tell me about her kids and told she I should get into nursing if I could handle working that late. She also asked about school and my name and we had a nice little chat. She told me to follow my art making dreams, work hard, and to go to college. This woman literally sent me good energy and was super excited when I sent her good energy back. Anyways I let her use the kid bowling dinosaur (probably shouldn't have but she was nice) and her family tipped me like ten bucks. I love you Pam you are so cool!

Also I got three pairs of jeans from goodwill for six bucks! They were having their 75% off tag day and I didn't know that so it was a great surprise.

My best pal already wants me to quit my job because he doesnt wanna lose me to capitalism, which I do agree with he may lose me to capitalism idk. I have Mondays and Thursdays off always, though, so that is good and cool.

I am probably gonna go to a show my friends band is playing at soon. The live music scene gets kinda sad around here during the winter since nobody can use their backyards for shows with all the cold and snow and mud. I am so excited for spring and summer because thats when fun stuff will start happening, and since I can drive and have my own income, I can kinda go wherever I want.

I like doing this thing that I call alone days, where I go and do an activity in public that someone would normally do in a group, except I do it on my own. Mostly I go and see movies, sometimes its a craft fair, but the goal is to be able to go and exist in public without feeling super anxious about what people might be thinking about me. Plus I am Autistic so it is partly unmasking programming where I try to exist on my own in front of strangers rather than going with another person and mimicking their behaviour. So far I have been really enjoying myself. When Summer comes, I wanna go to the beach alone or just go on a long drive somewhere. Could make a long drive to Vermont and get maple soft serve, the world is my oyster I can do what I want without approval.

Also may add a chatbox to these or just somewhere on my site, I had one in earlier versions but this was before I even knew what a divider was or could remember how to add an image so safe to say I got overwhelmed and deleted it.

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