February 4, 2025

It is 8 am and I am in my study, usually I'd be allowed to be here at 8:50 because I have senior priveleges but I have to show up for NAHS meetings.

We are planning an event for the first time as a society. We have been mostly inactive because of prior management, but I am the president this year and I want us to actually contribute to something. Something something arts community blah blah blah whatever. Anyways, I am kinda out of my depth here. I have never planned an event and since there have been no previous events, I can't ask anybody how they were run in the past. There are def things we should be doing to be a better society, but I am tired and busy and can't dedicate all my time to it. As long as we do some fundraisers and events and try to contribute to the school environment, I will be happy. I do feel kind of incompetent during the meetings, though, since I don't know exactly what I am supposed to be doing. They usually go alright, but I am horrible at verbal communication. I try way too hard to explain what I am thinking to the point where nobody can understand what i am saying. I feel bad about it, and am trying to work on it, but its the sorta thing where I don't realize I am doing it until after I finish talking. Anyways boooooo booooo boooooo social issues boooooo.

I am scheduling my first job interview today! I need to go out and get some plain clothes for it. I just need pants and a black button up. I don't own any normal wear outside pants because I exclusively wear overalls to go out, so I need to get normal pants because job interview people probably won't like me showing up looking like I have escaped from an Amish community. I am excited though! It isn't food service, which is awesome. I'd be working the counter at a bowling alley, and my sense of smell is bad enough that I probably wouldn't be bothered by bad smelling shoes. This is pretty awesome, though! I have been trying to get a job for the past month and this is the first one that is actually possible for me. It is about twenty minutes away from where I live, but that is okay since I already do a lot of commuting. It also pays 15 an hour, which is good compared to most of the jobs for people my age in the area. Hoping I am able to land it, I've been needing a job since my car shit itself in November. Gas prices are also about to go up and I already feel bad asking my family for gas money so It'll be good.

Might write more later but I am done for now. Gonna try and finish the interests page in the next month, I'm a bit busy.

listening to: Sad Boys by Dazey and The Scouts

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