February 13, 2025

Got a snow day!

My school has been giving us remote days and they finally gave up and just gave us the day off for today. Very grateful.

Anyways, the paint night was last night. It went awesome! We had people paint cute little snowmen and were able to wrap it up relatively in time. I also got to actually get to know the NAHS members which was very good and awesome, since almost all of them are a year below me and I don't get to talk to them often. As Mr President it is important for me to like talk to my minions n shit. We all got along and it was awesome, and I found someone who is interested in becoming president! This is awesome because I was super worried that nobody would wanna take over once I graduate, so I am less concerned now. Gonna potentially put out a public interest form while we start our next fundraiser to see what kind of events or workshops people would be interested in next.

Planning on making an OC page next. Those are gonna take awhile and be under constant construction because I am constantly changing the lore (A road trip concept has entered my mind and it is derailing all of the rebooted lore I came up with two months ago) so that will happen eventually.

Yeah, I don't have much to say. I just like updating the site but don't wanna fight the interests page anymore or start anything else, so I just update the log.

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